Julien Chabbey

Julien Chabbey

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Julien Chabbey

Three divisions are born!

In May 2024, IVAO welcomes three new divisions: the Lebanese, the Canadian and the United States ones.‌‌ These are actually two comebacks, as the US and CA divisions have already existed in the past. Then, the Canada and United States have been merged in the XA. The Lebanese FIR was...

Julien Chabbey

Celebrating 25 years of Virtual Skies

IVAO is 25 years old. 25 years full of history, flights, control sessions, and, above all, a shared passion for aviation. Whether aboard an Airbus A320 for an IFR flight, a C172 for a VFR flight, a helicopter for a rescue mission, or in front of a radar screen to...

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