To enable our organisation to keep taking the relevant steps forward with transitioning IVAO to its next phase for our community, we say goodbye to the IvAc and IvAp exams and hello to the new Altitude and Aurora exams.
With Aurora taking a 96.6% average share of overall ATC connections in the last six months and Altitude taking 95.4% of pilot connections, it was only fitting that this dominant software used on our network is at the forefront of the questions we ask our controllers and pilots to answer as they try to achieve their Advanced ATC Trainee/ Flight Student (AS3/FS3) ratings progressing through their IVAO career.
Countless days and hours have been spent to create and verify around 200 completely brand-new questions and answers, all of which have been added to the question bank, ready to be randomly selected for members' upcoming exams. All questions have been extracted from IVAO's comprehensive Training Documentation Library or the relevant software manuals.
A special thanks to all our Senior Training Advisors and members of the Training Documentation team for their efforts in making this a possibility for the network.
These new badges, exams and questions are now live!